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In Memory of DeWayne Wehren

                            May 14, 1962 - November 2, 2001                           













DeWayne's Dictionary

Versabile - Having may uses or applications
  "It's a very versabile tool"
Immaculate - Extremely great or good
  "This breakfast is immaculate!"

DeWayne's Sayings

"Regulators, mount up!"

This is a line from an old John Wayne movie.  The regulators were a group of lawmen always after the bad guys.  John Wayne would jump on his horse and holler out  "Regulators, mount up!" and the whole gang would take off.
 Whenever the guys would get ready to take off on a dirt bike or 4-wheeler ride, DeWayne would always be the first to be ready and this was his line.

"Wound up like a seven day clock"

He usually used this to refer to one of his drunk buddies who he couldn't get to shut up or sit down.

"It was rainin' harder than a cow pissin' on a flat rock!"
"Fast as fast could be !!!"

Another saying just before he'd take off, usually followed by some sort of crazy stunt.

"Face down, ass up, that's the way we like to @#$%!"
"Smokin' baby!"
"When in doubt, throttle out!

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