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In Memory of DeWayne Wehren

                            May 14, 1962 - November 2, 2001                           













Let's Get Together

If you have any get togethers or ideas for a get together, please email us and we will get it on the site.  Thanks!

Past Get Togethers!

Memorial Weekend - 2002
 "Wehrenator Memorial"

Friends of DeWayne gathered at Baumgartner for the annual campout.  We hit the trails, soaked in the hot springs and played Capture the Flag under a full moon. 

December 21, 2001 
Christmas Party for DeWayne's daughter

Greg and Melanie Mitchell had a great Christmas party  for everyone to come and wish DeWayne's daughter a Merry Christmas.

This site maintained by image_works_photo@yahoo.com.